My personal journey taught me why certain thoughts trigger emotion such as anger, fear or sadness. Helping me understand why I inadvertently projected those emotions onto my loved ones. With self-awareness I gave space to my emotions, which helped me understand my own triggers. I learnt my emotions were my suit of armour that I thought I needed to keep me safe. Taking off my suit of armour has been the most rewarding journey in my life.
For me being in personal therapy provided me a safe place to explore the upsetting, painful events in my own life. I felt heard for the first time, I felt accepted. This invaluable gift I was given spurred me on a journey to give back to others. Learning any intrusive thoughts or emotions were a part of me that was in pain and needed to be heard in the here and now.
In my practice I help others discover what they might need to allow their mental well-being to stay safe. Allowing others to explore the voice inside them, the critical voice, the self-sabotaging voice, the parental voice. Providing a safe space to explore these parts of us that sometimes stop us from moving forward in our lives, controlling us each day.
I have always loved working with people. I began my nurse training many years ago. However, learning that my son was life-limiting and would need constant care, I knew I could not provide the level of care he required if I continued to nurse others, I left nursing.
As a result of giving up nursing, my mental well-being began to suffer, I was a stay-at-home mum for many years to provide the care my son needed to live a fulfilling life. My life was filled with love for my son but it didn't feel fulfilled in other areas. My mind had time to explore my unmet needs that I had disconnected with at a young age.
After many years I returned to care work which I loved. During this time, I decided I wanted to help others with their mental well-being. A colleague suggested I would be great at counselling. That night when I finished my shift I did some 'homework' and began searching for the best provider I could train with, it was vital to me that my training centre was affiliated with the BACP. My training was over a 5 year period, resulting in my diploma as well as my Psychotherapeutic diploma I also have an advanced Anxiety diploma.